January 3, 2017

Characteristics of disabilities

Characteristics of disabilities
People with multiple disabilities have a combination of various disabilities that may include:
·        Speech,Visual,Hearing,
·        Physical mobility,
·        Brain injury,
·        Mental retardation, Possibly others.
·        They may also have sensory losses and behaviour and social problems.

Characteristics of students with learning disabilities
A learning disability is a disorder that affects the manner in which individuals take in, express or retain information.
It manifests as a deficit in one or more of the following areas:
·        oral expression,
·        auditory processing,
·        written expression,
·        reading decoding,
·        reading comprehension,

·        or math calculations. 
Students with learning disabilities or attention deficit disorders may also experience difficulty with sustained attention, time management, social interactions and executive functions.
·        Learning disabilities are cross -cultural.
·        Learning disabilities are often inconsistent and may be more or less apparent given the demands of the environment.
·        Learning disabilities are frustrating for both the student and the teacher.

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